november 2005 - The day the British Government shamed Japan
It has been fjve years that Prime Minister Blair decided
to grant an ex gratia payment of 10 000 pounds to the
victims of the Japanese concentration camps during Worldwar II.
A final compensation long overdue, and in fact a moral debt to be paid
by the Japanese government. No woner that the Japanese
PM mr Koizumi did not get the long wished for backing for
Japan's candidature for a permanent seat in the U.N. Security Council.
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april 2004 - The State of the Netherlands still in debt with its World War II Jap Camp victims ?
JES and EJOS loose all claims against Japan.
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november 2003 - GURKHAS held prisoner eligible for compensation
Gurkha soldiers who fought for Britain in the Second World War and held captive by the Japanese will be eligible
for payments equivalent to some $ 22,000 Cdn, the government said Wednesday.
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july 2003 - Losses and damages? What losses and damages ?
According to the official Commission Van Galen the Japs were not interested in private bank assets
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august 2002 - Indisch Platform 2.0 blatantly against interests.
Why the Migrated (Dutch) victims of the Japanese persecution are wondering why the outcome of ‘Het Gebaar’ was so stingy,
in comparison to Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Norway.
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august 2002 - Compensation prospects bleak for comfort women.
The Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun recently reported that the Japanese government is of the opinion that the issue of
the sex slaves had been settled once and for all by the San Francisco Peace Treaty SFPT in 1951 and various bilateral
treaties. At the time the SFPT exempted Japan against indemnities to nations and their nationals as a consequence of
the bleak economic situation. Although various international law experts indicated that art. 14 was not to be read as
an eternal waive, the majority of Japanese courts adopted the viewpoint of the government.
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june 2002 - Zalm Standard for Japanese War Victims.
On acceptance of the leadership of the VVD (liberals), parliamentary party Gerrit Zalm (50), outgoing Minister of Finance,
will not return into the Cabinet if his party should participate in the new center-right government. As finance minister
he wrote history, according to the leading paper NRC/Handelsblad. Thanks to the economic boom during the nineties he was
able to turn the year-old budget deficits into a surplus. These surpluses became known as the Zalm Standard (Zalmnorm).
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april 2002 - The State of The Netherlands... After sixty years!
Almost sixty years have passed since the dramatic events throughout Europe and Asia, and most living war victims and
forced labourers have been or are being more or less adequately compensated by their own governments or the belligerent
party (Germany). But for one: the Dutch Government.
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nov. 2005 - The day the British Government shamed Japan
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