The Foundation for Victims of the Japanese Concentration Camps (Stichting
Vervolgingsslachtoffers Jappenkamp 1942-1945), herinafter referred to as SVJ, was founded
on the 26th July 2001 by notarial deed and registered on the lst Augustus 2001 with the
Chambre of Commerce at Amersfoort, The Netherlands (NL), under registration nr 3 2087 I 05.
The sole purpose of SVJ is to serve the interests of the victims of persecution - or their next of
kin - who were incarcerated in Japanese concentration camps, enclosed ghettoes or prisons in
former Netherlands East Indies (NEI) or the other occupied Asian territories, from January
1942 to abt. September 1945.
SVJ's objective is to dedicate its efforts with all the means, expertise and experience at their
disposal, to obtain the long overdue redress and compensation for the loss of belongings,
properties, valuables, art collections, private enterprises, inventories, business capital, etc.
etc. a s a consequence of their captivation by the oppressor.
SVJ will promote with the Dutch Government that it cannot persist any longer in shrinking out
from its obligations and liabilities towards Dutch nationals from the former NEI, after having
waived all Japan's obligations by signing the Peace Treaty l95l with Japan, under the article
SVJ will remind the Dutch Government of the fact that the governments of its former Allies in
the Pacific War Theatre finally decided to compensate their victims of persecution of Japan in
2000 and 2001 by ex gratia grants of around 18.000 Euro, including their substitutes.
SVJ calls all Victims of Persecution of the Jap Camps in The Netherlands and abroad, to
financially support the Foundation in order to enable SVJ to achieve its goal. Also widows
and widowers or children who were not intemed can apply for registration of the deceased
camp victim.
SVJ has recently been qualified as an Article 24 foundation implying that donations are tax
SVJ is promoting to effectuate the grant to be transmittable similar to the ex gratia grants paid
to the Jewish and the Sinti/Roma victims of Nazi persecution. Following the allowance rules
an heir can substifute for one deceased, whether or not a camp victim him- or herself.
Case 1 – A widow (herself not a camp victim) can register her deceased spouse by applying
and paying the registration fee of minimal 45 Euro for non EU countries. In this case the children
cannot register their father.
Case 2 – One of the two children - even if they were not camp victims themselves - can
register their deceased parent. In case of payment each child is entitled to 50%.
Case 3 – Three of the four children of a victimized family are still alive. Both parents
meanwhile passed away. The three children can register themselves and two can each register
a parent also. In case of a payment, each of the three children is entitled to a statutory portion.
Applicants are only registered after SVJ received the registration payment. As soon as your
payment is in our bank account you will receive the official registration form with your
personal SVJ registration number (or that of the deceased), of which a copy should be returned
to SVJ duly signed with your signature, which authorizes SVJ to file a law suit against the
State of the Netherlands as your representative.
So, it is important that you retum the registration form.
For further payments or donations you only need to mention your registration number.
Contrary to other organisations SVJ is not entitled to government grants due to the fact that
our target group is limited to the Victims of Persecution of the Jap Camps, only. Even in this
respect the discrimination of our group is extended! This means we depend on the funds paid
by our subscribers. The more subscribers, the more funds can be raised for the enormous
expenses that are ahead of us.
SVJ is fighting for a just and rightful compensation. For ourselves and for our deceased. Only
with the help of all of you, we can obtain what has been superseded for more than half a
SVJ is not only for Campers. Do you know of a someone who hasn't registered yet? Send him
or her this letter by email. Or apply for the SVJ info kit that can be sent by snail mail. Or refer
the person to our website www svjappenamp.nl with the digital application form.
Thanking you in advance for your support.
Nowadays, we are in close co-operation with the House of commons.
We strive to get a Fair Deal for all war victims of the Far East and the Netherlands Indies.
Stichting Vervolgingsslachtoffers Jappenkamp 1942-1945
The Board:
Anton te Meij - President
Lilian Sluijter - Member
Greta Mosselman - Secretary
Greta Mosselman - Treasurer
P.S.: Registration fees cannot be refunded.
Payments from abroad from non-EU countries:
Registration fee: 45,00 Euro per person to be registered, on either ABN AMRO,
favour Stichting Vervolgingsslachtoffers Jappenkamp, Hilversum, Holland,
IBAN code ABN Amro is NL97 ABNA, Bic code is ABNANL2A.
Latest News
nov. 2005 - The day the British Government shamed Japan
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JES en EJOS loose
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Memorial Web Site
SVJ offers this subsite to everyone who wants to commemorate a lost loved one.
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GURKHAS held prisoner eligible for compensation
click here>>>>
SVJ's first on-line News Letter.
click here>>>>
SVJ is aiming for a rightful compensation.
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This is our last chance!